IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ubio and Rebotec products are set to undergo a price revision in the coming days.

Colloidal Iron

Colloidal Iron


This stainless-steel Iron complex is a unique formula of noble elements. It aids in the proper assimilation of minerals, normal growth and development, maintenance of body tissues, sexual function, immune system stimulation, chemical detoxification and synthesis of DNA.


Lacking of Iron is unfortunately common today due to our modern life situations. Adding to that, the depletion of nutrients and minerals in our soils and losses associated with food processing causes a deficiency of Colloidal Iron that may lead to a wide variety of degenerative diseases and illnesses.

High levels of chromium and other complex noble elements act as an antidepressant and for the sugar cravings and other imbalances caused by Iron out of balance.

Rod of 99.999 pure Iron.
Colloidal are cell-absorbed, nano-suspended particles at 1500 volts

Additional information


200ml, 500ml