IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ubio and Rebotec products are set to undergo a price revision in the coming days.

Cypress Oil

Cypress Oil


With its relaxing and uplifting properties, Cypress oil has been traditionally used in aromatherapy to relieve mild rheumatic aches and pains and relieve a cough.


Branch / Leaf ɑ-pinene, 3-carene, limonene

Size: 15ml


Dating back to the ancient Egyptians, cypress trees have a long history of use by mankind. This belief is reflected in the plant’s botanical name ‘sempervirens’ which means ‘ever living’. Nowadays this symbolic longevity has taken the form of personal care products as we use cypress in all sorts of soaps and perfumes. When it comes to our Cypress essential oil, it can be inhaled or applied topically to areas of the body for therapeutic benefits.

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15ml A