IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ubio and Rebotec products are set to undergo a price revision in the coming days.

DJMed Metatarsal Open Toe Sleeve Pads (Set of 4)


DJMed Metatarsal Open Toe Sleeve Pads (Set of 4)

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $26.99.

Provides padding and increase shock absorption to the fore foot and metatarsal joint.

Perfect for running, hiking, ballet, and other activities where footwear may cause friction or cushioning is needed. Made made with latex free, allergy friendly medical grade silicone gel.

Universal sizing, with one size soft stretch gel. Ventilated with small holes. Includes: 2 pairs, 4 pieces.


DJMed open toe metatarsal sleeves are made from soft medical grade gel.

Suitable for reuse. Gentle hand wash in warm soapy water is recommended. Dry well before use.

Suitable relief and comfort for painful foot conditions such as Corns, Calluses, Blisters, Bunions, Hammer Toes, Plantar fascitis, Metatarsal pain, Hallux valgus, Mortons neuroma, Tailor’s bunion.

Easily hand washable with warm soapy water, rinse and dry well before reuse.